Thursday 3 November 2016

Literacy: Minecraft Story

HI again. Today I will show you my new update on literacy. My recent literacy my Minecraft story. Here it is.

AS me Joe max and Alix sporn with no buildings let's get some wood (just so you no were they sbon.
here's a photo)
Image result for `minecraft forest
Let’s get some wood said max great ider I said what tiep. light said max year said joe ok...Hay alix interrupted what about me you never said anything I said well that figures said alix.Hurry up you guys soon we'll be mining at night all because of you guys now get mining wood I said angrily ok everyone said  they mind wood as I said angrily ok everyone said  they mind wood as it went dark we had anaf  wood to make a house.

 But all we need is a house we meet where we stand and build a house and live there gast then a creeper explodes boom!!!! Neely killing joe. me, mac  and axle were lucky then I got shot with a arrow awch  I said (we had pizisins me and joe defend the builder's max and axle built joe had to swop joe to joe taking damage from a creeper meanwhile i dealt with that sgaley ( sort for sglatin ).

I destroyed him but  I ran into more trabil a creeper was chasing me! Alexs riplast  joe mad the  creeper go after him i helped the builders it had been  5 minutes. 1 minute later the house was finished the house looked like this. Pretty sipill and it was night we ran into the house.  

Image result for minecraft village houses
Wall that was loakey  said max let” calibrate now that we have a house .the next day we went to mine some stone with my wooden pickaxe I made last night with sticks and wood, and we replaced some stone with wood to be continued.
it isint finist agen  and here is my plan My Narrative Plan


Image result for `minecraft forest

Image result for minecraft village houses
Main Character: finley
Other Characters: alxe,
Jow, max,
Problem: keep on getting attacked
Resolution: they sborn in a forest with no house  
Details: i am going to bas t-
He wold minecraft

Personality / Actions:no vilins aros in sid skin but no blad punching

Personality / Actions: aros in sid skin but no blad punching

Events: going to mines, house finis, calibrat find dimis, calibrat find emerald
Ending: destroy spawners  
Difet wither and enderdragon c
bye bye till the next blog post